The King is Coming
Rev. 19:16
"And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."
This painting was created and inspired by those words by John in God's Word. I remember reading it many decades ago when I was a young babe in Christ, and it has never left me. I wanted to paint it even then, but I was not ready, not ready in many ways. Now however, as an old artist in his 70's, the Holy Spirit instructed me to paint this painting which I have had in my heart all those years. I do not need to go into fine detail about the the piece as I believe the painting pretty much tells it's own story. A story (or rather a prophecy written) thousands of years ago, now soon to become a reality.
Yes, the King is indeed coming. Just exactly when no one knows, but I believe He (Christ Jesus) is ready, sitting on the edge of His seat (or saddle) waiting from word of the Father to GO NOW! Not even Jesus Himself knows the exact hour for He has stated such in Mark 13:32:
Mark 13:32
"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."
Yes, the King of Kings is coming, riding with His Holy angels and the elect to take back that which the devil has stolen.
Yes, the King is coming, that great Lion of Judah, the one we all long to see in His wondrous glory! The painting itself may be only as my minds eye has see it, how my heart had so desired it to be, but know this dear brethren, however the visual may realistically appear on that day, one thing is for certain my brothers and sisters...
He is coming. Praise be to God, He IS coming!